Strategic Plan . . .
We have an exciting future...but we cannot do it alone. We are a service organization to support YOU and we need your input to hold us accountable.
Below are the committees that have been created to address our current strategic goals. We would love for you to be part of one or more of these committees.
We currently recruiting committee members with experience with the issues, or who are stakeholders in the decision-making process. These individuals should be interested in exploring the history and background of the topic and understanding the ramifications of any recommendations. They should also have an interest in researching best practices from other organizations with similar challenges, and bringing other statistics to the table so a thoughtful evaluation can be completed.
Most committees will start work in October with the goal of making recommendations to the ariZoni board in February in time for implementation for the 2024-2025 awards.
Committees being developed include:
Award Restructuring
There have been several requests to realign the awards. Some have asked to look at different categories for colleges or restructuring based on a theater’s budget. This committee will explore the viability of each option and gain an understanding of the challenges and benefits to the community of those options. The ariZoni Board is looking for representation from large and small theaters, colleges and community theaters. Representation from throughout the sector is imperative to help understand the issues and find the best solution.
Award Gendering
This committee will explore the issue of award gendering and determine the need, viability and value to the community of removing/not removing gender from the awards. The Board is specifically looking for representation from the community including cis, non-binary, trans and others to be a part of this conversation and to ensure that all voices at the table have an honest conversation and make recommendations.
Performance Feedback
The Board has received requests to determine if there is a way to provide performance feedback. Committee members will explore this idea and determine if there is a way to make this happen that does not compromise the anonymity of our adjudicators.
Multi Theatre General Auditions
This committee will assist in the development of a yearly multi-theatre open audition for valley actors, with the goal of having the first-annual audition to be held in Spring 2024.
Actor Database Development
There has long been a need for an actors database available to all theatres in the community allowing directors and Artistic Directors to find talent when needed. This committee will evaluate the viability of using an existing database or look into having one built. The work is ongoing until complete.
Theatre Outreach and Events
This committee will stategize priorities and develop topics for community support evaluating how best to address those needs. Is it through events and workshops, access to professional services or something else? Some of the needs that have been rasied through community conversation include youth safety, technician training programs, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work, consent-based theater methodology and resources. providing community events/workshops with local theatre talents and professionals.
Outreach to Statewide Theatre Organizations
An exploratory committee will determine how the ariZoni organization can reach out and provide services and support to rural community-theatre groups outside the Phoenix metropolitan area.
Adjudicator Education
This committee will evaluate the current existing training; investigate whether there is a need for some enhanced one-on-one adjudicator training; and understand if there are ways to ensure adjudicators are adhering to training and best practices. Every year the ariZoni adjudicators (new and returning) go through extensive training. This training is evaluated and updated annually. It is an area the Zoni Board is always exploring. If you are interested in delving into the adjudicator training by first gaining an in-depth knowledge of what is currently done and then evaluating further ways to enhance the training, then this committee is for you.